Community Day & Bicentennial in Andes, NY

Andes Community Day 2019 is on August 10th throughout the hamlet of Andes and is filled with local music, food, fun and games to celebrate the traditions of a Catskill community in the summertime. The Parade with children, bands, floats, fire departments and assorted other delights begins once the Trailway Bus travels through the center of town around 11am. Kids await the watermelon eating contest, live music and dancing on the lawn at the Andes Central School, have fun browsing lawn sales, and vendor tables and stop by at the eateries for great summer fare. As always sitting on the wide porch of the Andes Hotel gives you the best view of the happenings throughout the day.

There will be tours of the newly restored Train Station, A Calico Indian Contest, farm tours and a day paddle on the Pepacton Reservoir. More activities are being added so check in as the event gets closer.

June 29
6:00pm: Bicentennial Dinner and dancing at the Andes Hotel. $20 at the door.

July 27
Andes’ Bicentennial Celebration Kick-Off at Andes Hotel Summer Shack
Enjoy snacks and hors d’oeuvres by local farmers and artisans. Dance to the sound of Round House Rockers Fireworks at dusk. Only $10.00 per person

Saturday, August 3
Barn Dance at Dirty Girl Farm

Sunday, August 4
2:00 pm : Rest In Peace Tour of Andes’ Cemeteries

Saturday, August 10 – Andes Community Day

10:30 a.m. Parade line up

11 a.m. Parade down Main Street (after Trailways bus exits town)

10:30 a.m. — 5 p.m. Vendors throughout Main Street including foods and artisan crafts

Noon – 5 p.m. DJ Tito spins music outdoors from 55 Main Street

Noon Dancing in Ballantine Park

Noon – 5 p.m. Children’s Fun Fair at Ballantine Park

Noon – 5 p.m. Helicopter rides from Ballantine Mansion, Main Street

Noon – 5 p.m. Andes Hotel Summer Shack activities:
— Noon BBQ Chcken
— 1 p.m. live tunes by David Kraai & The Saddle Tramps
— 2 p.m. Watermelon-eating contest
All are welcome!

1 p.m. Trophy and Ribbon Ceremony for winners of parade float contests at the Andes Firehouse, Main Street

2 p.m. Atelier Aubergine Stained Glass and Mosaics free class and demonstration, 27 Delaware Avenue

All Day:
— Get your Andes Historical Society 2020 calendar, only $10, at Andes Thrift Store located at old Fire House, Main Street

— Step into HIstory at the Andes Hunting Tavern, Main Strreet. Open all day. Visit to learn all about Andes rich and unique history.

7 p.m. Movie screening: a documentary film about the Anti-Rent War, The Town That Shot the Sheriff, directed by Victoria Kupchinetsky. Filmed over 4 years throughout Andes and Delaware County, this film brings Andes history to life. After the screening, meet the director and ask questions about the film and the Anti-Rent War time period. The director, members of the creative team, and the documentary’s main characters will be on hand to answer your questions. Approximately 45 min for the screening with a 30-minute Q&A discussion. Andes Hunting Tavern, Main Street

7 p.m. Catskill Regional Harvest hosts a celebration event – details to come (but we really like anniversary surprises!)

Sunday, August 11
Pancake Breakfast at Firehouse
Time Capsule Burial
Andes Hotel for music and fireworks

( Events as of July 30, 2019 )

Upcoming Events Around Town

Jun 19

Infectious Diseases Congress

Jun 19 @ 1:00 pm - Jun 20 @ 11:00 pm

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