Bird Watching Andes, NY

From owls to loons, Andes birders have the chance to see hundreds of different bird species.

The mixed open fields and woodland environments of the Andes Rail Trail, the Palmer Hill Trail and the Shavertown Trail are especially good sites for bird watching.  Palmer Hill regularly is home to nesting Baltimore Orioles.  The bluebird boxes on the Rail Trail have been home to two broods of nestlings each for the several years they have been up.  Paddlers on the reservoir are frequently treated to the sight of Cedar Waxwings, adult and immature Bald Eagles, scolding Kingfishers, Great Blue Herons, Common Mergansers with a crazy number of babies, and even the occasional Loon.


Upcoming Events Around Town

Jun 19

Infectious Diseases Congress

Jun 19 @ 1:00 pm - Jun 20 @ 11:00 pm

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