Whether you’re a mountain bike grinder or a road bike speedster, the roads and trails around Andes make for superb riding.
The roads around the Pepacton Reservoir make for great road biking. For a relatively flat 20 mile loop, you can start at the Shavertown bridge and bike to Margaretville and back. For a challenge, try the more mountainous 33 mile loop towards Downsville and back.
Cross Mountain Road from the Millbrook Road in Margaretville to Alder Lake is a favorite of mountain bikers, but just about any of our dirt roads are a fun bike trip.
Read about a great back roads ride from Bloomville to Bovina to Andes to Bloomville in A Tale of Three Hamlets on Riding the Catskills. Or find other cool routes elsewhere on their site.
The Catskill Scenic Trail is great for off road biking of the tamer sort, as the trail is almost completely level for 26 miles, from Roxbury to Bloomville.
Plattekill Ski Center in Roxbury, offers extraordinary mountain biking, with a lift to take you to the top of the ski trails and you’re on your own getting down!